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Architects  Registration  Board  |  Guide to Becoming a Registered Architect in Barbados
Revised December 16th, 2011

Candidates are required to pass Part 2 in order to participate in this part of the examination process. Part 3 comprises Division 7 (Professional Practice and Management) of the B.A.R.E. One hour is allocated for this exam. Candidates are required to submit the completed B.A.R.E application form and all other supporting documentation in order to be considered for this part of the exam. Log in to the member's lounge to gain full access to the required application forms and other documents. 


The candidate will be invited to this part of the examination by formal letter only after his/her application meets the A.R.B. approval.




The candidate is required to have a minimum understanding of the associated laws of Barbados, A.R.B. code of professional conduct, contract administration, communication techniques and industrial organization in Barbados. It is at this stage of the examination process that the candidate’s professional knowledge, judgment and competence are drawn together and assessed as a whole. This will be an interactive exam that will consist of the candidate being asked to respond to several problems rendered by the Examination Committee. These will be complex scenario-based, job and practice management problems, testing his/her ability to apply knowledge and make professional judgment in time limited situations. The candidate will be asked questions regarding:


  1. The Context for Practice

  2. The Management of Architecture and

  3. The Management of Construction


The outline of the examination is as follows:




    The Knowledge of:


  • ï‚·The size and relative importance of the construction industry to other sectors of the national and international economy and the role of the profession relative to the industry.


  • ï‚·The overlapping interest of organisations representing the built environment and their relation to the role of architect.


  • ï‚·The range of ongoing specialists panels of advisory, consultative or government bodies which have the responsibility for developing policies which guide or control construction industry practices.


     The Understanding of:


  • The social and economic context for investment in the built environment.


     The Ability to:


  • Apply principles underlying the law relevant to architectural practice and building procurement.


  • ï‚·Act in accordance with the requirements of professional conduct and the concept of “professionalism”.


  • ï‚·Follow codes and standards regulating the profession of architecture


  • ï‚·Demonstrate that health and safety matters are integral to every stage of the design process and execution for those    aspects of design for which the architect is responsible.





    The Awareness of:


  • Technical standards and sources of specialist information.


    The Knowledge of:


  • Legislation on health and safety and its application to design and construction.



    The Understanding of:


  • Appropriate fees, negotiation and fee bidding techniques, bearing in mind the funding and procurement basis for the project, and with reference to other factors listed below.


  • ï‚·Integrated project process and project team partnering.


  • ï‚·Relevant statutory bodies, construction and development legislation and consultative bodies, and their potential effect on programme, cost and quality of design.


  • ï‚·Methods and standards intended to ensure and manage quality standards.



    The Ability to: 


  • ï‚·Prepare, in consultation with the client, an acceptable brief and budget, including consultation with others as appropriate. Thereafter, to effectively communicate with the client at every stage of the project.


  • ï‚·Assess the variety and appropriateness of project procurement methods and their implication in relation to client requirements and the architectural and professional input required.


  • ï‚·Assess the architectural services required to deliver a project effectively and the establishment of appropriate scope of works for all members of the project team; to co- ordinate and integrate the work of other consultants and an awareness of the terms of their appointments.


  • ï‚·Programme and manage the flow of information among the members of the design team.


  • ï‚·Communicate effectively with each part of the client body and construction team.


  • ï‚·Operate quality assurance procedures which ensure the maintenance of design standards and intentions in relation to budgetary and programme control.


  • ï‚·Analyze the appropriateness and completeness for its purpose of forms of documentation including written and graphic communication.





    The Knowledge of:


  • ï‚·Site organization, mobilization and the establishment of appropriate lines of communication in relation to the specific responsibilities of the building team.


  • ï‚· Methods of dispute resolution, conciliation, adjudication, arbitration and litigation.



    The Understanding of:


  • Project planning, documentation and execution


  • ï‚·The range of methods of building procurement, tender types and codes of practice for procurement and an ability to identify an appropriate contract strategy and to create pre-contract information.


  • ï‚·Value engineering and the maintenance of adequate financial control for cost planning of projects.


  • The implications of and ability to apply, collateral agreements such as nomination of sub-contractors and the position on domestic sub-contractors, suppliers, manufacturers and statutory undertakings in relation to standard forms of contract.


  • ï‚·Risk management in relation to construction and consultants contracts, liabilities, indemnities and insurance and awareness of mechanisms such as insurance to deal with liabilities.


  • ï‚·The value of post-completion assessment and appraisal and methods of debriefing.



    The Ability to: 


  • ï‚·Analyze contract types in terms of their implications for time, cost quality, information flow and the procedures related to each.


  • ï‚·Assess and organize a quality control and programming system in relation to the architect’s role in administering the building process.


  • ï‚·Prepare architect’s instruction and certificates appropriately for standard forms of contract and to implement the procedures for the assessment and valuation of claims.


  • ï‚·Create maintenance manuals and post-completion information for clients and building users.





Candidates in this part of the examination will be scored based upon:

1. Their understanding of the questions;

2. The completeness of their answers;

3. Their expression of the answers.


The scores are as follows:


  • 1. Poor- the candidate did not understand the question

  • 2. Fair- the candidate understood the question but did not explain well

  • 3. Good- the candidate understood the question and gave a good response

  • 4. Excellent – the candidate exhibited complete understanding of the question and render an excellent answer






Part 03 Checklist

Ready to take Part 03 Exam? Be sure to do/have the following:

. Pass Part 02 . Submit the B.A.R.E Application & Supporting Documents . Receive A.R.B invitation to sit exam Part 03 .

(2) Passport Photos . Proof of Citizenship/Residency/Work Permit . Application Fee


Fees for the B.A.R.E are subject to periodic review and adjustment. The current fee will be indicated by the Secretary of the Board at anytime. Completed Application Forms together with the appropriate fee and supporting documents must be received by the secretary of the Board four (4) weeks prior to the scheduled examination.

scroll for useful contacts & resources

The Architects Registration Act provides for the constitution and procedures of the Architects Registration Board. The board consists of the Chief Technical Officer, Ministry of  Transport, Works & Water Resources, ex-officio or nominee; one person appointed by the Minister; and four registered architects appointed by the Minister on the nomination of the Barbados Institute of Architects. All members of the Board, other than the ex-officio member, shall hold office for a term of 3 years, but are eligible for re-appointment for a maximum of two consecutive terms. All such members are eligible for re-appointment after the expiration of one year thereafter.


Following the amendment of the Act The Board established a mandate based upon the board’s interpretation of the Architects Registration Act, 2003-5 regulations, section 19(1) (dated 21st April, 2003), and the Architects Registration (Amendment) Act, 2005-28 (dated 8th December, 2005). Click below to learn more. 

Click the links below to download the following important resources:




Architects Registration Board


Mr. Peter Thorpe

Administrative Officer 1

C/O Ministry of Transport, Work & Water Resources

Pine East - West Boulevard

The Pine, St. Michael

Tel: (246) 536-0099



Mr. Pierre Tatem

Chairman of the Architects Registration Board

Dip. Arch, B.Arch, M.Arch

Gillespie & Steel Associates Ltd. (GSA)



​Mr. Kurt R. G. Bourne

B.A. (Hons), M.Arch., MBA, RA, BIA

LEED Green Associate

ADCM Consultancy Inc.



Mr. Anthony Brooks

B.Sc. (Hons), M.A. (Hons.),

Dip. Arch., RIBA, BIA.

Tony Brooks Architects Ltd



Mr. Paul Simpson

P.B. Simpson Architects



Dr. Albert Best


Archis Design group Inc

Ex Officio


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